Black Friday Email Subject Lines: The Best Tips to Stand Out of the Inbox

Black Friday Email Subject Lines: The Best Tips to Stand Out of the Inbox

With Black Friday quickly becoming one of the biggest shopping days of the year in the UK, it’s increasingly crucial for brands to up their game to really make their email subject lines pop. Email marketing is a key channel for building campaign engagement, but without the right subject line, even the best emails will be lost in the inbox.

Check out our 5 top subject line tips for Black Friday campaigns and then head over to our Ultimate Guide to Black Friday Email Marketing!

1. Never be a spammer

It may seem obvious, but with the tone of Black Friday so focused on “SELL, SELL, SELL”, it can be tempting to slip into a few bad habits. The key to a good campaign should always be to stand out from the crowd, rather than to add to the inbox clutter. Remember to avoid excessive exclamations (!!!!!) and keep your subject lines as friendly and easy to read as possible.

2. Keep customers curious

Whilst adding urgency into email subject lines is important, inserting an element of mystery and intrigue is also an effective tactic. A Black Friday study by Phrasee for Econsultancy, which analysed over 3000 subject lines, found that subject lines that aimed to peak the curiosity of their readers, tended to perform much better than “buy now”-style messaging.

Some high-performing subject line examples from the data set included:

  • BLACK FRIDAY is here – want a little help with your Christmas shopping?
  • How you can avoid stress on Black Friday
  • Tick tock, tick tock, the BLACK FRIDAY countdown begins...

The last example combines FOMO (fear of missing out) and urgency persuasion tactics with a hint of intrigue.

3. Always announce a Black Friday email

Customers know it’s Black Friday, and as a result, many of them will be skimming through their inbox looking for the best deals. Make this easier for them by ensuring you clearly state “BLACK FRIDAY” in your subject line. This may sound obvious, but it’s important and has been proven in tests in previous years to out-perform subject lines that don't mention Black Friday. Broad statement, but test it for yourself and you'll see.

4. Surprise your subscribers

Why not take a leaf out of Julep’s book and consider extending your sale out further as a real surprise and delight moment for your customers? Soon after Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, there'll still be plenty of consumers disappointed that they missed all the best deals.

Consider a "Cyber Week" or extended deadline for deals, like Julep's Cyber Monday email campaign below:

Subject line: "EXTENDED! 50%. Off. Everything.

Julep's Cyber Tuesday offer announcement email

The compelling call to action, bold visuals and the Cyber Monday offer, extended by 48 hours, provides both FOMO and a feeling of added value and opportunity. This is also reflected on Julep's Cyber Monday landing page:

Julep's Cyber Monday offer announcement email

A well timed “EXTENDED SALE” or “FURTHER DISCOUNTS ADDED” subject line can be just what’s needed to gain leads and conversions you may have otherwise missed out on.

5. Get a little help from AI

If you want to get a little help with your subject lines, Black Friday is a great time to utilise the innovative AI tools, that ESPs now offer to help you optimise your subject lines and boost your campaign performance. Create subject lines that consistently resonate with your audience, resulting in unmatched campaign performance and engagement.

Wrap Up

Black Friday is a pretty intense time in email marketing, with thousands of brands now jumping into the fray. But we hope these email tips and tricks help your brand to stand out from the inbox and get your Black Friday campaigns recognised this season. Check out our service, where we where we explain how best to make the most of the power of copywriting to achieve better results!

Head over to our Ultimate Guide to Black Friday Email Marketing for more great insights!

Want more tips for optimising your subject lines? Download our free ebook, The Ultimate Guide to Writing Email Marketing Subject Lines, and go make waves with email!

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