As Mother's Day approaches, it's become an essential question to ask subscribers... would you prefer not to hear from us about Mother's Day? But where do you start in getting this right? Here we show our favourite examples from leading brands and teach you the fundamentals on how to create the segments in your ESP.
Pizza Express
Pizza Express show compassion and care in their email, whilst reassuring that those that choose to opt out from Mother's Day email marketing, will continue to receive other email campaigns:

Chilly's opt for a much shorter email that's very similar to Pizza Express. This example keeps the CTA above the fold - we prefer this approach, making the campaign easier to click and therefore, slightly better UX for email:

Ocado make things a little trickier - instead of just clicking opt-out, they ask subscribers to go and find the setting in their marketing preferences. The risk here, is subscribers probably won't read the copy, will click the link and close the browser window. This may result in people thinking they have opted out, but haven't:

This approach from Aesop is super simple - less is always more with these types of emails, so great job, Aesop:

Red Equipment
This example from our friends at Red Equipment is super clear and to the point. The double call to action is a nice addition for those that open and wish to browse the site. The creative is well considered and a great balance of getting the message across without abandoning the brand aesthetic:

Giggling Squid
This Giggling Squid example is a nice execution of a text-only email to get the opt out message across:

How to create Mother's Day opt-out segments in your ESP
- Make a segment of all clickers of your Mother's Day opt-out campaign or that specific link
- Use this as a suppression list for your Mother's Day campaigns
- Be very, very careful - there are countless stories of brands getting this wrong and accidentally setting the opt-out group as a target segment. Don't make this mistake...
Wrap up
All in all, a simple approach to managing Mother's Day opt-out for email campaigns is all that's needed. Use these examples to create your own messaging and let us know how you get on. Check out our service, where we where we explain how best to implement quality design to achieve better results!
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